The weather is getting nicer here in Atlanta, which means more time outdoors. But you may not want to go outdoors because of all the mosquitoes and flying insects that constantly harass us in the warmer months. Wouldn't it be great if you could enjoy our wonderful weather and cooler evenings without the hassle of dangerous mosquito species? Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to use insect repellent and deal with the icky smell many of those repellents have?
Effortless Mosquito Control
The great news is you can have effortless mosquito control and take back those lovely Atlanta days and cooler Atlanta nights. Tuxedo Mosquito Control can provide exceptional, hassle-free insect control so you never have to worry about whether you are wearing insect repellent again.
Our Misting System Is Top-Notch
Wouldn't it be great when you went outside, your own environment would take care of those pesky flying insects? Once you install our misting systems, you'll wonder how you ever got along without them. Our MistAway tankless system dispenses a natural insecticide that kills mosquitoes fast and creates a barrier around your yard. We use a completely biodegradable pyrethrum that decomposes harmlessly in the environment. It's safe for people and pets. What's more, you can use an app on your smartphone to control your system and get the amount of protection you need.
Our Misting System Is Worry-Free
We stand by our misting systems and handle all maintenance. Because we use pyrethrum, which is made from chrysanthemum flowers, our insecticide is all-natural and insects fail to become immune to this insecticide the way that they will with other insecticides. Because pyrethrum is natural, it is extremely biodegradable and will not last long in the environment. We handle all the hassle of setting up the misting systems and handle the insecticide ourselves. All you have to do is enjoy your yard! Contact us today at Tuxedo Mosquito Control for all the things that bug you. We can design and install an automated mosquito misting in Atlanta or Charleston for your home or workplace. For worry-free, hassle-free mosquito control in Atlanta, we are here to help!